The functional microalgae peptides are derived from the specific enzyme-hydrolysis of high-quality microalgae proteins. These peptides can promote muscle cell growth and the continuous proliferation of muscle fibers, resulting in increased muscle mass and enhanced weight gain and meat yield in farmed animals.PRODUCT BENEFITS
1. Broilers chickens reach market weight 2 days earlier.2. This Improves the disease resistance in poultry.
3. It provides feed manufacturers with a greater variety of ingredient options for their formulations, helping to reduce production costs and increase profits.
4. For farmers, it enhances animal immunity, leading to higher sales volumes.
Poultry and layer poultryUSAGE INSTRUCTIONS
- Chick starter: add 500g per ton of feed- Growing stage: add 800-1,000g per ton of feed
- Egg production stage of layer poultry: add 250g per ton of feed